exceptions – Exceptions

These are the exceptions that are raised by EventMQ. All exceptions should be subclasses of EventMQError

exception eventmq.exceptions.CallableFromPathError

Raised when construction of a callable from a path and callable_name fails.

exception eventmq.exceptions.ConnectionError

Raised when there is an error connecting to a network service.

exception eventmq.exceptions.EventMQError

All exceptions raised by EventMQ inherit from this base exception.

exception eventmq.exceptions.InvalidMessageError

Raise when EventMQ encounters a malformed message is encountered.

exception eventmq.exceptions.MessageError

Raised when there is a problem with the structure of the message.

exception eventmq.exceptions.NoAvailableWorkerSlotsError

Raised when there is no available workers for a job manager.

exception eventmq.exceptions.PeerGoneAwayError

Raised when attempting to contact a peer that no longer exists (i.e. when sending a message to it)

exception eventmq.exceptions.UnknownQueueError

Raised when a queue is not found in the internal list of queues.